Form ethical and competent personnel, inserted in the regional community, able to build knowledge, promote culture, exchange programs, in order to develop the collective consciousness in the continuous search of human enhancement and solidarity.
Be recognized as a University of reference that stands out for quality, solidarity action, innovation and integration with the community.
The Regional Integrated University of High Uruguay and Missions - URI, multicampi and a community institution, recognized by Ordinance No. 708 of 19 May 1992, published in the Official Gazette on 05/21/92, is headquartered in the city of Erechim, State of Rio Grande do Sul. Maintained by the Integrated Regional Foundation - FuRI, entity characterized as technical and educational-cultural, with headquarters in the city of Santo Ângelo / RS.
Maintains four campuses and two extensions. Teaching, research and extension are developed in Erechim, Frederico Westphalen, Santo Angelo, Santiago, Cerro Largo and Sao Luiz Gonzaga. Its Rectory is located in the city of Erechim.
URI was born as a result of integration of individual higher education institutions, initially members of the Geo-Education District 38, organized and managed by the regional community. Immediately there was the engagement of political leaders, religious, business and a strong mobilization of teachers and staff members of the IES Task Group. On the horizon of the project sought to always create a university dedicated to regional development. URI is identified as a community. In the Campus of Frederico Westphalen integration is reaching more than 100 municipalities in the regions Alto Uruguay North, Medium High Uruguay, Missions and Border West.
The community experience lived in the Jesuit-Guarani reductions and subsequently in the region colonized by Italians, Germans, Poles, Russians and Jews determined the shared management model, given by the URI in its creation, in their transitional process of academic life, crucial to recognize the historical practice of higher education and the constant search for its own overcoming.
As can be seen, URI was born with a vocation for integration, because this was its origin, due to the political will of their mentors, the ability to correctly read the story itself, make decisions, plan an integrated work, designing consequent actions.
URI has as one of its goals to train qualified professionals to meet the challenges of the contemporary world. To do so, it offers a professional quality training, developing skills and abilities by linking theory and practice, ensuring humanistic and providing conditions that allow the student to learn how to learn and to think independently and critically.
To achieve these goals, structure and develops its teaching, research and extension through eight departments: Exact and Earth Sciences, Biological Sciences, Engineering and Computer Science, Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, Science Humanities and Linguistics, Languages and Arts.
Moreover, in its six units, URI has basic education schools which work in early childhood education, elementary school, high school and technical education. The educational proposals of schools stimulate the formation of values such as solidarity and citizenship, and include load-time higher than the national average. The teachers are specialized, adding education of quality, they have the possibility to seek improvement in international institutions through exchanges, which can be carried out among teachers, students and administrative staff in extracurricular activities, as contained in Resolution 2114 / CUN / 2015, that aims to meet the campus internationalization policies.
In order to strengthen international relations with centers of reference, URI seeks to intensify the dialogue between the institutions, aiming to occupy a position of reference to other education organizations, promoting and publicizing its production, regional, and both in the national and international level.